Injury Mitigation to PROmote Vision-zero Achievement

Injury Mitigation to PROmote Vision-zero Achievement

Find new years of reducing serious injuries and long-term consequences of road crashes.

Find new years of reducing serious injuries and long-term consequences of road crashes.

Injury Mitigation to PROmote Vision-zero Achievement

Injury Mitigation to PROmote Vision-zero Achievement

Find new years of reducing serious injuries and long-term consequences of road crashes.

Find new years of reducing serious injuries and long-term consequences of road crashes.

What is IMPROVA?

IMPROVA is an EU-funded project dedicated to enhancing road safety by addressing the complexities of long-term consequences (LTC) caused by road traffic accidents. Committed to ensuring a high quality of life for all road users, IMPROVA goes beyond merely saving lives by focusing on understanding, quantifying and mitigating the impact of the long-term consequences (LTC) linked to road traffic accidents.

IMPROVA offers open access to project findings and results to improve accessibility to resulting LTC scales, models, methodologies, and procedures. This will empower the global community to collectively advance road safety and prevent the long-term consequences of injuries.








Number of advisory board members

IMPROVA Objectives


Identify, understand and describe the issue of serious injuries and LTC due to road traffic accidents and permanently improve the knowledge basis.


Make LTC tangible by developing a method allowing for purposeful data collection and LTC assessment.


Propose linkages between criteria-based results from physical or virtual tests and wider knowledge from field data to assess LTC.


Refine HBMs regarding their capabilities to predict injuries related to LTC (long-term injuries, LTI).


Objectively assess risks for serious injuries and LTC: Development of HBM-based virtual testing procedures.


Vigorous policy support for technical and behaviour-change countermeasures against LTC.


Address and mitigate the long-term consequences associated with road traffic injuries at EU level and abroad.

Partners and network of experts

The IMPROVA network, consisting of NCAPs, US, Australian, and Asian entities, and a medical and psychological expert panel group, will help harmonise not only the knowledge of the long-term consequences but also the data collection and evaluation of such injuries leading to LTC and the use of appropriate tools validated for this purpose.

Project partners